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Sensory Processing 101

"Whether you are a parent, educator, caregiver, or therapist, this easy-to-read guide is your starting point to gain a better understanding of sensory processing and the body’s sensory systems. You may have heard of Sensory Processing Disorder, but this book is designed to help all children - not just those with a sensory disorder. The truth is that supporting healthy sensory processing is an important part of promoting overall health in every child. With this comprehensive guide, you get three books in one, including: *Sensory Processing Explained: An explanation of each sensory system from a therapist’s point of view and from the perspective of a parent and educator *Sensory Activities: Step-by-step instructions for activities you can use in everyday play with kids at home or at school to support the development of each sensory system *Sensory Resources: Resources related to sensory processing, including support groups for parents and caregivers of children who have sensory needs, cheat sheets with quick overviews of each sensory system, and more This full-color sensory guide is different than anything you have read before. It contains: *Information concisely presented in one place to support sensory needs at home and in the classroom *Real life stories from the classroom, home, and therapy settings *Parent friendly language *Easy to navigate format so you can find the information you need at the right moment *Extensive list of sensory behaviors with strategies, activities and resources to help you understand your child and address their sensory needs *Reproducible resources such as red flag checklists, sensory system overviews, quick materials shopping lists for sensory activities."
£0.50per week
Sub Category
For adults
ID Code
Quality code
C - well-loved
Informative/EducationalSensory: hearingSensory: interoceptionSensory: proprioceptionSensory: sightSensory: touchSensory: vestibularNon-fictionAutismTeaching
Starting points for learning
Sensory: hearing
For sensory seekers/avoiders or hearing impairment
Sensory: interoception
Feeling what's going on in your body: pain, hunger, needing the toilet, emotions and more
Sensory: proprioception
your body's ability to sense movement, action, and location
Sensory: sight
For sensory seekers/avoiders or visual impairment
Sensory: touch
Tactile input for sensory seekers
Sensory: vestibular
The sense of balance and where your body is
Informative books based on the real world
Including Asperger's and other related conditions
Help children and young people learn

From 16 Years to Adult

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