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Addie on the Inside

Book 3 of 4 in The Misfits Collection. "Addie Carle, the only girl in the group of friends is outspoken, opinionated, and sometimes…just a bit obnoxious. But as seventh grade progresses, Addie’s not so sure anymore about who she is. It seems her tough exterior is just a little too tough, and that doesn’t help her deal with the turmoil she feels on the inside as she faces the pains of growing up. Told in elegant, accessible verse, Addie on the Inside is a thought-provoking look at a strong, smart, and sensitive girl struggling with the box society wants to put her in. Addie confronts experiences we can relate to: the loss of a beloved pet, first heartbreak, teasing…but also, friendship, love, and a growing confidence in one’s self."
£0.50per week
Sub Category
For young people
ID Code
Quality code
A - like new
Made-up stories
Learn your own feelings and how to interact with others
Support and fun for children who may not have additional needs
Educational content or fiction that includes diverse sexualities and gender expression

From 10 Years to 14 Years

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