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The Explosive Child [Sixth Edition]

This book provides a "research-based approach to understanding and parenting children who frequently exhibit severe fits of temper and other challenging behaviors, from a distinguished clinician and pioneer in the field." "What’s an explosive child? A child who responds to routine problems with extreme frustration—crying, screaming, swearing, kicking, hitting, biting, spitting, destroying property, and worse. A child whose frequent, severe outbursts leave his or her parents feeling frustrated, scared, worried, and desperate for help. Most of these parents have tried everything-reasoning, explaining, punishing, sticker charts, therapy, medication—but to no avail. They can’t figure out why their child acts the way he or she does; they wonder why the strategies that work for other kids don’t work for theirs; and they don’t know what to do instead. "...Dr. Greene provides a new conceptual framework for understanding their difficulties, based on research in the neurosciences. He explains why traditional parenting and treatment often don’t work with these children, and he describes what to do instead. Instead of relying on rewarding and punishing, Dr. Greene’s Collaborative Problem Solving model promotes working with explosive children to solve the problems that precipitate explosive episodes, and teaching these kids the skills they lack."
£0.50per week
Sub Category
For adults
ID Code
Quality code
B - lightly used
Informative/EducationalTeachingEmotional/SocialAutismADHDCommunication/Speech/LanguageExecutive FunctionCalm/RelaxNon-fiction
Starting points for learning
Help children and young people learn
Learn your own feelings and how to interact with others
Including Asperger's and other related conditions
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Improving how we exchange information with each other
Executive Function
Brain processes for organisation, planning, problem solving, self-regulation and more.
Help to unwind and rest
Informative books based on the real world

From 16 Years to Adult

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