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Writing slope - landscape

A pink plastic slope designed to make writing and drawing easier and more comfortable. Slopes like this are generally more ergonomic, but can be particularly helpful for young people who have trouble using a pen/pencil or who have dyslexia. Writing surface: 26 x 42cm Wipe clean.
£0.50per week
Sub Category
Disability aids
ID Code
Quality code
B - lightly used
Reading/WritingMovement/Coordination ImpairmentMotor Skills: fineDyslexia/DyscalculiaHand-eye CoordinationInformative/Educational
Words are hard
Movement/Coordination Impairment
Including physical disabilities, dyspraxia and anything else that makes moving harder
Motor Skills: fine
Coordinating small, exact movements with your hands and fingers
Trouble with letters, words or numbers
Hand-eye Coordination
Using your eyes to direct your hand movements
Starting points for learning

From 4 Years to Adult

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