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Helping Your Anxious Child

Second edition of this 'Step-by-step Guide for Parents'. 'This expanded and updated version of a best-selling classic guides readers to help a child overcome anxiety and fears. It describes in detail strategies and techniques they can combine into a comprehensive self-help programme for a child's particular needs. From separation anxiety to general anxiety, social anxiety, specific phobia and panic disorder, the book describes the common types of childhood anxiety, how anxiety originates, and options for dealing with the problem, with or without a therapist's help.'
£0.50per week
Sub Category
For adults
ID Code
Quality code
B - lightly used
Informative/EducationalCalm/RelaxEmotional/SocialKey SkillsExecutive FunctionAnxietyNon-fiction
Starting points for learning
Help to unwind and rest
Learn your own feelings and how to interact with others
Key Skills
For example: telling the time, tying your shoes or using the toilet
Executive Function
Brain processes for organisation, planning, problem solving, self-regulation and more.
Including diagnoses and managing stress
Informative books based on the real world

From 16 Years to Adult

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