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A Volcano in My Tummy

'Helping children to handle anger' 'A Volcano in My Tummy is about helping 6 to 15 year olds handle their anger so that they can live successfully, healthily, happily and nonviolently, with motivation, without fear and with good relationships. An accessible resouce book for teachers, parents and all who care for children, it is full of stories, and easy-to-use games and exercises designed to encourage children to see their anger and to deal constructively with it.' Note from the Librarian: This book seems to be aimed at ‘neurotypical’ children, i.e. those without additional needs or disabilities. Many tips included will be helpful for lots of people, however.
£0.50per week
Sub Category
For adults
ID Code
Quality code
B - lightly used
Learn your own feelings and how to interact with others
Starting points for learning
Help children and young people learn
Informative books based on the real world

From 16 Years to Adult

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