"The definitive handbook for helping your child with sensory processing issues."
Covers the following topics:
The eight senses (yes, 8!);
Practical solutions for daily problems;
Strategies for managing sensitivites;
"Sensory Diet" activities;
Parenting tips;
Practical and emotional support for children and teens;
Ways to advocate for your child;
Using technology effectively and responsibly;
Empowering your child;
Where to get professional help."
Quality code
B - lightly used
Informative/EducationalADHDAutismCerebral PalsySensory: hearingSensory: interoceptionSensory: proprioceptionSensory: sightSensory: touchSensory: vestibularExecutive FunctionFocusNon-fiction Informative/Educational
Starting points for learning
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Including Asperger's and other related conditions
Cerebral Palsy
A group of disorders that affect movement, muscle tone, balance, and posture.
Sensory: hearing
For sensory seekers/avoiders or hearing impairment
Sensory: interoception
Feeling what's going on in your body: pain, hunger, needing the toilet, emotions and more
Sensory: proprioception
your body's ability to sense movement, action, and location
Sensory: sight
For sensory seekers/avoiders or visual impairment
Sensory: touch
Tactile input for sensory seekers
Sensory: vestibular
The sense of balance and where your body is
Executive Function
Brain processes for organisation, planning, problem solving, self-regulation and more.
Things to help concentration
Informative books based on the real world
From 16 Years to Adult